Friday 6 January 2012

spider problem

It loomed in front of me.
A spider.
Something with eight legs.
Something small but everyone fears.
It loomed in front of me…
The darkness seemed to scare me even more.
Drip… drip… drip…
Went the rain.
If I could offer you my advise.
But i cant.
I dont know how to get over the fear of spiders.
On cool afternoons the spiders crawl.
I hate that im stuck inside while it rains.
In the darkness.
With a spider.
How can i espace.
 I cant run.
The spider will chase me.
I cant hide.
It will find me.
I have to embrace the spider, the darkness, the rain.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Dear santa
I havent been a very good boy this year. When i go to english i dont listen to mr.vancamp. I would rather be playing hockey than go to class. Having a totour for my classes would be nice. Also i need new hockey gear. I life the wake board and love the book the outsiders. I also wish i wasnt in math ten still.  What i want most is one day be in the NHL. If i make it i promise i will pay it forward. I would also like some more clothes and for highschool to be over so I can play more hockey.

Thursday 10 November 2011

223 Brandon ave
Penticton, B.C.
V0H1K0 November 10, 2011
John doe street,
Paris, France.

What is so special about the mosa lisa? I can tell you what it was the start of change. It was the first painting to show emotion in the face and the body posture was never gone before in a painting. There is  a first for everything but that doesn't mean the first will be better than anything else to come. Ada artlover was in fire and it was either i save her or the mona lisa. I saved art lover because the mona lisa was just a start of something. Even though the mona lisa is very famous that doesn't mean that it should be put in front of someones life. Ada artlover had people who loved her. Ada artlover started something so much better than just a new way to paint people. She had children who had children. She had gaven life to someone. someones life is worth more than anything. How would you feel if someone choose a painting over someone you love? I bet if that was your grandma you wouldnt save the mona lisa instead of her. Even though i didnt know ada artlover i knew that she meant more than a piece of art that could of replaced by a different one.

Friday 30 September 2011

Walter Mitty was going to go for a walk. Even though Walter thought that taking more than one walk a day was too much of a good thing. As he was walking threw the park he felt all dressed up and nowhere to go there was many people that were not dressed very nice. But than there was one girl that was his apple of his eye but she was As far as the eye can see. But than he came closer she was as beautiful as the day is long. But at the end of the day he knew she was too good for him. Walter decided to stop looking at her or he might get mad and say take a picture, it will last longer but at the same time he wanted to take the bull by the horns. He knew he had to take it easy. Walters wife would also make sure there'll be hell to pay. But he said screw it I am going to go talk to her.Even if he felt fat as a cow. As soon as he went and talked to her she said get lost. Walter wasn’t going to take no for an answer. But I will Go the extra mile for you. I have a boyfriend she said. it doesn’t matter Walter said.Because I have a wife. She went bananas at him and screamed go fly a kite. as she was walking away. She turned back and said fine but there will be ground rules .I am going to go with my gut. You can’t tell your wife and I won’t tell my boyfriend. Me and you are going to live happily ever after.

Friday 23 September 2011

Michaela Bruce
223 Brandon ave
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 3W1
I believe that I deserve to live. I deserve to live because of my mom, that I can have kids and that I have to fix my relationship with someone before I die .I also wanted to help people with there life’s. This winter we got new that we only had 6 more months with my grandpa because of his lung cancer. He passed away this summer on July 19th. While he was sick my mom’s boyfriend got a tumor and has to get surgery for it on the September 26. She took a month off work and might be taking more she is so stressed out. My mother wouldn’t handle losing one more person in her life. There has been so much that my mother has done for other people. She paid for my auntie’s 700 dollar get away connections weekend connections is something in Kelowna that helps you deal with your emotions and past.  And my auntie wasn’t even on my side of the family. Her whole life had been to help and love me and my brother as much as she can. Losing me is something right now that she can’t handle. When I grew up I wanted to have four kids. Those kids would make up for some of the lives lost. There is nothing I want more in my life is to be a mother. Paying it forward by being as good as a mom mine was is a life goal. My father and I have never had the best relationship but I want a good relationship with him so bad. Growing up with a dad who is a workaholic is not an easy thing. But not living with him in my life is worse. Chilliwack is where he lives. So the distance doesn’t make anything easier. My relationship with my father has gotten a bit better since my grandpa died because he started talking to his dad. He has a reason for the way he is. Grandpa Bruce had a drinking problem .Left him as a teenager. Because of that he doesn’t know how to get close to me. But he forgave his dad and now is ready to a better dad. Last but not least seeing homeless people breaks my heart .Image being stuck outside on the streets all year round. Being a member of parliament is something I am willing to work for. It would help me speak up for them. Nobody deserves to have to beg for money because they can’t get a job. They are people just like us and they deserve to have a better life. The only thing I would want in return is for them to pay it forward.

Friday 9 September 2011

Not your everyday in newyork

I was just going for my afternoon jog one day in new york it seemed like everyday it had a nice breeze and there was the smell of pretzels in the air. It was busy as usual but something seemed different about today i just had a bad feeling but i kept jogging because i was going out for dinner later that night i was going around the corner and i heard the loud sound of an airplane it was as lous as a thunder storm than all of a sudden i saw an airplane crash into the twin towers i was in such shock that it didn't even seem like it happened as soon as i realized it did another airplane came down as fast as a shooting star. i went home and freaked out i couldn't believe what i just saw i broke into tears and needed to go home. I turned on my t.v and on every channel  was showing what happened. My heart was racing faster by the second it showed glass going everywhere and people running around hopeless and screaming because there family and friends were in that  building. The twin towers was something that only Americans had and now it was burning down and destroying other buildings and loved ones with it the sky was filled with smoke. That night needless to say i didnt go out for dinner or to bed i kept having flashblacks about what had happend today it felt like a dream but i knew it wasnt . I was scared of something happening to my apartment buliding. Some people even went on a road trip just so they wouldnt be in newyork the next day there were no airplanes. It felt like everyone just got told they had cancer. Barley anyone talked and there were no smiles. even though it was a sunny day it didnt change anyones mood. i knew everyone would get over it but it would take alot support. we might have been able to catch the people that crashed the planes we knew who started it and there going to pay for what the have done.